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I am trying to add files to a record of a SObject via SKUID but wanted to keep these files out of standard salesforce attachment object. Is it possible and if yes how to achieve the same?

Thanks in advance

Hi I am basically trying to use skuid_image__C object but do not want to is there nay way to that the attached record is stored in the Attachment object in Salesforce?

With the new Banzai release you can store your files in Chatter Files.  This may be an alternative. 
Otherwize we do not have a way of storing files without putting them somewhere.  Salesforce does not allow an arbitrary “file attachment” field type to be put on your record.  They force you go go through to the attachment object. 

Thanks Rob for the reply. That would not suffice the requirement. We are trying workarounds. Will post once we find a solution. Thanks

Thanks. We’d love to see what you develop. 
