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When working with drawers I stumbled across this odd problem:
After saving the page, the drawer action icon wouldn’t appear anymore in the preview of the page. Switching back to the page editor, I discovered that the row action I defined as action type “drawer” has switched itself to “run multiple actions”. In the action type drop-down, the options “Edit Record”, “Delete Record” and “Drawer” (all table specific action types) were completely gone. The only way to get the drawer back was either to revert to an auto save or delete and recreate the drawer.

This happened to me twice. I didn’t modify the XML nor did I do other funny things.
I’m working with REST-Model-Services and OAuth if that is relevant in any case.



I am unable to replicate the error you are experiencing.  If you are still having trouble with this, can you grant Skuid login rights so I can look at your org?

  • Which page in your org are you having this with? 

  • Which section within that page? 

  • What are the specific steps I can take to replicate this error?


Hi Karen Thanks for your response. Fortunately I didn’t encounter that error anymore. But if I do again, I’ll let you know and investigate it briefly. Thanks again and kind regards
