A textarea (long text field) input in Skuid looks different in regular web-browsers and in iPad/mobile. In the regular box it is resizable but not in the mobile. This seems to be a JQM issue since the TextInput on their web (http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.2/textinput/) behaves exactly the same. Is there a way to enable the resize in Skuid on mobile devices? Is there an easy way to change start settings like height etc on a global or per field basis (CSS resource and Field renderer i guess).
A feature request for Skuid would be to expose many more of the settings possible in moible composer, either as properties or by adding classes in a textbox for each field. I had a problem where the checkbox. In regular Skuid iit s language independent but in mobile Skuid it’s all of a sudden a flipswitch with On/Off. This looks a bit strange on a localized Swedish page so after some poking around in the CSS i found this CSS to translate:
inputptype=checkbox]:before {
content: ‘NEJ’;
inputrtype=checkbox]:checked:before {
content: ‘JA’;
Fairly simple but it does take quite some time to look around for settings like these. I realize there are gazillions of them but the more common ones would be very nice to have as properties. And maybe a good subject for a Guide on how to find and change these types of settings in SKUID.