Hi Charlie, Yet another undocumented feature, there is such an event. The Wizard component itself fires a “stepchange” event whenever the step is changed, and hands you the current and former steps. Here is an example Inline JavaScript resource that binds an on stepchange handler to a particular Wizard instance:
(function(skuid){ skuid.$(function($){ $('#MyWizard').on('stepchange',function(e,data){ console.log(data); var currentStep = data.currentStep, formerStep = data.formerStep; if (currentStep.id === 'step2') { if (formerStep.id === 'step1') { alert('You just moved from Step 1 to Step 2! Can you believe it?'); } else { alert('You just moved from '+formerStep.label+' to ' + currentStep.label); } } }); }); })(skuid);
currentStep and formerStep are Step objects, containing as properties the Step id, label, and a reference to each Step’s associated editor, allowing you to drill down to get the DOM element for each step as well.
Good stuff. Exactly what I was hoping; should help clean up my code a good bit.
In case anyone is wondering a similar event exists for tab navigation called ‘tabshow’
This works fine when I have the wizard on a straight page, but when I put it as a Page Include in a pop-up it doesn’t. How do I get the code to execute when the pop-up opens so that the wizard page change is picked up?
In the code above, Instead of putting your code inside of a jQuery document ready block, bind to Skuid’s ‘pageload’ event that is fired whenever a page is loaded, whether it’s a top-level page, or a page include:
Replace: skuid.$(function($) {
With: skuid.$(document.body).one(‘pageload’,function() {
In completeness:
(function(skuid){ <br> var $ = skuid.$;<br> skuid.$(document.body).one('pageload',function() {<br> $('#MyWizard').on('stepchange',function(e,data){<br> console.log(data);<br> var currentStep = data.currentStep,<br> formerStep = data.formerStep;<br> if (currentStep.id === 'step2') {<br> if (formerStep.id === 'step1') {<br> alert('You just moved from Step 1 to Step 2! Can you believe it?');<br> } else {<br> alert('You just moved from '+formerStep.label+' to ' + currentStep.label);<br> }<br> }<br> });<br> });<br>})(skuid);
I tried to navigate from one step to other by doing the following in javascript but it doesnt seem to be working. Any ideas?
$(‘#MyWizard’).prototype.navigate( step2);
Call navigate directly on a Wizard component instance:
We used this undocumented feature, and just discovered the javascript isn’t working in our sandbox on version 9.3.3. Did the wizard “stepchange” feature change with the Brooklyn release?