having a new issue with URLs generated by skuid.utils.meregeAsText() that started escaping “&” differently after we upgraded to skuid v11.1.13.
Prior to v11, we were able to generate URLs from this code:
$.each(userActions, function (i, row) {<br /> var btn = actionsModel.getRowById(row.Action_Button__c);<br /> if (btn) { var itemUrl = skuid.utils.mergeAsText('row', btn.Skuid_Url__c, null, accountModel, account); if (btnEnabled) { launchItem = $(document.createElement('a')) .addClass('launch-item') .attr('href', itemUrl) .attr('target', '_blank') <i> .appendTo(launchContent)</i><br />
console.log for the template in that mergeAsText function returns “/apex/skuid__ui?page=Portal&Id={{Id}}” but itemUrl returns “/apex/skuid__ui?page=Portal&Id=000000000000000000”
no other special characters are escaped in the URLs we are generating like this and it’s new, so it seems like unexpected behavior (and it’s messing up our URLs to redirect to other skuid pages). also seems related to: