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Skuid Mobile builder does not show two charts together. When i add two charts in two separate division, only one chart gets displayed and the other one goes away. I have tried to create a new panel and add the second chart in that new panel and then call this panel from a button, it still remains the same. May be its a big bug related to the charts component.

I would want to show two charts in two division. Only one chart gets displayed when previewed.

Kindly help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

I think they fixed this with the latest release of Banzai (Update 5)

Yes Mansour.  Thanks for helping out with an answer here. 

Vaibhav,  let us know if you see addtional problems here. 

Thanks Rob Hatch and Mansour,

It worked!!..

Also, I don’t see any additional problems related to charts.

Thanks once again. 
