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After clicking on the view link a popup is opening and it should display some table information. Its working good in classic but, in lightning experience only popup frame is opening and the table inside the popup is not loading (in this popup we have included another Skuid page which will displays the table information). We are using Skuid 11.0 version. Please help me to sort this.

In lightning experience we have included the skuid page in the Lightning component and attached this Lightning component to a lightning tab.

<aura:component implements=“lightning:actionOverride,force:appHostable” access=“global”>

<skuid:page page=“All_Prospecting_accounts_Detail” >


Hi Prasanth! I believe there were a number of issues with page includes that were fixed in 11.2.5 - I would recommend upgrading to that version or later, especially because any version prior to 11.2 is not currently supported with regular bug fixes. More on Skuid releases here:

Hi Matt, my popup for Case Creation from within a page also isn’t loading, none of the fields are viewable once the popup is opened.  I’m on version 11.2.9
