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Got a few queries around the Skuid Calendar we were hoping you will be able to provide some direction.


One of the projects we have been tasked with is using the Skuid Calendar to book Marketing Events. We have come across a couple of challenges we were hoping to get some help with as our delivery timeframe is very tight.

1.    We are using two different Record Types (Consultant and Class) on the Activities Object (we are using Event). Is it possible to display/use a filter on the calendar that allows our users/customers to filter the view they want (Consultant view or Class view).


2.    Our Account Managers will be creating multiple events for the 1 day and we have noticed that the event view expands the day slot as per screenshot attached. Is there a way to minimise this effect and to maintain the same day box size if we are looking at Month view? The calendar will be displayed on our website where customers will click these events to register their attendance.


3.    Does the Skuid Calendar resize dynamically when viewed on the multiple mobile device (mobile phone and IPads)?


We would appreciate any help with these challenges and looking forward to your reply.

Good questions.  Here are some answers. 

1. You can create a calendar with mulitple event sources.  Each of your record types would be an event source (and you could color the calendar entry appropriately).  You could set buttons beside the calendar that run an action sequence and either query the models (load calendar) or empty the model. 

Alternatively you could have one event source, but filter the mocel to show one or the other record type. Here is a forum post about  searching for items in your calendar.

2. Your screenshot didn’t get attached.  Can you retry?  Or maybe send it to

3. The calendar will adjust to a certain degree as screen sizes change,  but it is not truly responsive.  It will not transform its display as the page gets too small to show the full calendar.  Its on our list, but I don’t have any idea when it will be delivered. 

Thanks Rob. I have sent you the screen shot now.