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There is a bug that I believe should be handled at your end instead of developers like me, tweaking and finding a way out.🙂

BUG is:-

If a parent object is labelled with a name that contains any special characters like “&”, the popup that comes up inside skuid on the lookup filed does not show anything. For eg:- If my parent (lookup field) created on a child object is named as “A&B”, clicking on the lookup icon will show a blank popup.

The XML that gets generated at the backend automatically shows an error!. 

So to avoid such an error, the developer will have to change its object label, which is believe is not a proper solution.

Thanks and hoping to have this bug fixed in your next release.


We’ve run into a similar issue - when determining which checklist items should appear for a given record, we use a series of checklist item templates that are queried with conditions based on data on the main record. Then for each checklist item template returned by the query, we create a checklist item and bring values from the checklist item template into the checklist item, including the Name. If the Name on the template item contains &, for example “Notes & Disclosures”, then the Name on the checklist item looks like “Notes & Disclosures”. 

It’s not a deal breaker, we just always use “and” now, but it’s a curious thing we didn’t expect.

We’re using a JavaScript snippet to create the checklist items and ‘additional conditions’ settings in the snippet to set the values. 

Hi Vaibhav and Jack~ 

Thanks for letting us know about this! I was also able to replicate this problem and will let the team know.


Karen Waldschmitt - Ok great. Your welcome:)

