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Am using jquery autocomplete to query a custom webservice containing airport information. I want to set a field on a model based on the selection made.

I first tried to set it using a jquery selector, but was unable to set an ID, or discover the ID of that field. See comments in the code:

(function(skuid){ var $ = skuid.$;
var $ = skuid.$;
var myModel = skuid.model.getModel('MyModelId');
var myComponent = skuid.component.getById('MyComponentUniqueId');
var htmlBody = 'Enter City/Airport: <input id="query" type="text" style="width:300px"/>'

source: '<a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/airport/airportcodes.php?mode=autocomplete" title="Link https//ut-sfdepot1wencorgroupcom1443/airport/airportcodesphpmodeautocomplete">https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/airport/airportcodes.php?mode=autocomplete</a>',
search: function(event,ui){},
response: function(event,ui){},
select: function(event,ui){
//returns 3 character airport code after searching airport or city
var dcode = (ui.item.value.substring(1,4));

//Would prefer to do this, but...
//Haven't found a way to specify the ID for a field in the Skuid UI

//Next tried to get access to the field in the skuid model
var airportcodes = skuid.model.getModel('airportcodes').fields;

for (var j = 0; j < airportcodes.length; j++){
var fieldId = airportcodes[j].id;
case 'Destination':
//How to set the value of destination to dcode variable captured above?

$('.ui-autocomplete-input').css({fontSize:'14px', fontFamily:'arial'});
$('.ui-autocomplete').css({fontSize:'14px', fontFamily:'arial'});


When you have the value, you can use .updateRow() to update the value in the skuid model. See skuid.model.Model

Thanks Matt. I am new to both Skuid and Javascript, and was trying to make it more complicated than it needed to be. model.getFirstRow() was what I needed to see for it to make sense.

Here’s the working code:

(function(skuid){ var $ = skuid.$;
var $ = skuid.$;
var htmlBody = 'Enter City/Airport: <input id="query" type="text" style="width:300px"/>';

source: '<a href="https://xxxxxxxxx/airport/airportcodes.php?mode=autocomplete" title="Link:">https://xxxxxxxxx/airport/airportcodes.php?mode=autocomplete</a>',
search: function(event,ui){},
response: function(event,ui){},
select: function(event,ui){
var dcode = (ui.item.value.substring(1,4));
var acmodel = skuid.model.getModel('Trip');
var row = acmodel.getFirstRow();
acmodel.updateRow(row,{Destination: dcode});

$('.ui-autocomplete-input').css({fontSize:'14px', fontFamily:'arial'});
$('.ui-autocomplete').css({fontSize:'14px', fontFamily:'arial'});

Glad you were able to get this working!