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I need to set a few HTTP headers in a REST call. How can this be done?


I have a rest endpoint where I need to set header parameters, not at the connector level but specifically with data values. I need a body and headers, so I can’t use the ‘In request headers - one per changed field’

Is this possible?

Hi Paul, have you been able to make any progress on this?

We recommend you test out your request in Postman

  1. first to make sure it works, and then you can transcribe the values into Skuid.


  1. that should be sent with every request are set up at the Data Source level ( Data sources --> Data Source --> Common HTTP Request Data)

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 2.43.51 PM.png

  1. For values to be set in the Body, you can set this up using a snippet. In the model properties, for Request Body Contents, you can choose As custom payload format in request body, and then you can write a Payload generation snippet to use for this.

  1. Parameters: You can send dynamic values in the Data source URL on the model properties.

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Does that help answer your question?
