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If I leave the value for the ‘result limit’ parameter blank, the search component seems to limit the results to 5. Is that by design?

Yes it is by design.

Is there a way to display all of the results if the record you’re looking for isn’t included in the x number of records returned for a specific object?  If result limit is set to 5 and there are 6 John Smith contacts and the one I’m looking for isn’t one of the 5 returned, there doesn’t seem to be a way to get to the 6th record.

You can click “View” next to your object’s name and the number of records found to bring up a popup where you can see as many matches as you want.


Nice!  I couldn’t see it because it’s the same color as the background.  Thanks!

Hey Will, what Theme were you using? I want to make sure we get this updated so it doesn’t continue to be invisible for people.

