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Is there any way to retrieve the button/link defined for a salesforce object using merge syntax or custom snippet. For example, if I have created a link on Account object, what are the options to import the hyperlink value of the link into a skuid component. 

Hi Riju, if I’m understanding you correctly, you want a button in Skuid to redirect users to a custom button/link?  You can include redirect actions in the page title component, in the table component, and in the navigation component (and maybe more places too… wizard steps for example).  Just choose “redirect” as the action type" and enter that hyperlink. With these redirects you can use merge syntax like …customlink/{{Id}}  to bring in the Id of the record in context. Cheers!

Is that helpful for you?

Thanks Anna!
I understand what you are saying. I was coming from the point of custom button, links that is available out of the box in salesforce. We have several custom button and links created for different objects in our current sales cloud implementation. So I was wondering if there is a way to pull that metadata into the page either using snippet or merge syntax. As you have mentioned, we can certainly recreate them using redirect action. I will stick to this approach for now.

URL redirect buttons that are configured in your standard salesforce setup can be called by any skuid page button. 

Inline Javascript buttons cannot - you will have to recreate them. 
