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The rich text editor defaults to double spaced lines and I don’t see a way to set it to single spacing. Am I missing something?

Try hitting Shift Enter.

Thanks, Mansour. I’ll give it a try. Most applications that I use the editor for are best with single spacing. Seems like a setting that should be part of the standard controls.


I think what you’re experiencing has to do with the CSS for

. As far as I understand, shift+enter will insert a

, and enter inserts a new

. You might want to explore modifying the CSS for

within richtext components.

Skuid rep helped us with this by adding CSS inline:

.nx-richtext-input p {

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;


.nx-fieldtext p {

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;


Thanks! I used different CSS, but this is better than mine. Thanks for posting!