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Rich text area does not work properly if the field is on a popup. For example you can’t insert a hyperlink, table, can’t find and replace and more… I have crated test page which is based on our custom object Task__c which has rich text area field Rich_Description__c to reproduce the problem. I am pasting the xml of the test here. You can change the Task__c object to any object that has rich text area field and Rich_Description__c field to rich text area field in your object.

<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" showheader="true">
<model id="Tasks" limit="10" query="true" createrowifnonefound="false" adapter="" type="" sobject="pfdev1__Task__c">
<fields> <field id="pfdev1__Rich_Description__c"/> <field id="Name"/> </fields> <conditions/> <actions/> </model> </models> <components> <skootable showconditions="true" showsavecancel="true" showerrorsinline="true" searchmethod="server" searchbox="true" showexportbuttons="false" pagesize="10" createrecords="true" model="Tasks" buttonposition="" mode="read" uniqueid="sk-uaw9M-116"> <fields> <field id="Name"/> <field id="pfdev1__Rich_Description__c"/> </fields> <rowactions> <action type="popup" icon="sk-icon-popup" label="View record details"> <popup width="80%" title="Viewing {{Model&#46;label}}: {{Name}}"> <components> <basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="true" mode="edit" model="Tasks" buttonposition=""> <conditions> <condition type="contextrow" field="Id" mergefield="Id" autocreated="true"/> </conditions> <columns> <column width="100%"> <sections> <section title="Section A" collapsible="no" showheader="false"> <fields> <field id="Name" valuehalign="" type=""/> <field id="pfdev1__Rich_Description__c" valuehalign="" type=""/> </fields> </section> </sections> </column> </columns> </basicfieldeditor> </components> </popup> </action> </rowactions> <massactions usefirstitemasdefault="true"> <action type="massupdate"/> <action type="massdelete"/> </massactions> <views> <view type="standard"/> </views> </skootable> </components> <resources> <labels/> <javascript/> <css/> </resources> <styles> <styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/> </styles> </skuidpage>

Thank you


Are you on Internet Explorer? If so do you see this problem in other browsers?


We are experiencing the same in Chrome.


What version of Skuid are you on? I’m having trouble reproducing your problem; could you post a screenshot of what it looks like when you try to edit a rich text field in a popup?


We’re on 8.15.9. Screenshot of the limited menu below. !( “Image: null”)


  • Do you have any global CSS resources or CSS resources on your page?

  • Is there another field above the rich text field or is that cut-off text the title of the popup?

  • Are you on a desktop?

  • Are you using a custom theme on this page?

(1) We do have Inline CSS but pretty simple and this doesn't occur for all users.  Pasted below

(2) no other fields blocking and occurs in many different Rich Text Fields

(3) This is on Microsoft Surface, which generally treats websites as full sites, and iPad.  Traditional Dell desktop doesn't have the same menu.

(4) No.

.nx-richtext-input p {

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;


.nx-fieldtext p {

    margin: 0px;

    padding: 0px;



I’ve made a bit of a goofy mistake. You’re actually seeing what you should be seeing. We’ve rolled out a new rich text toolbar for mobile devices that is simplified and works much better in that environment. With how we identify mobile devices, the iPad is also getting pulled into that and uses the new toolbar. What functionality is missing from the toolbar that you would like to use? I’ll make a note of it for future development, since we might add back to the iPad toolbar in the future.


Thanks Amy.  How can I override has skuid ID’s mobile devices?
