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My tabsets all have “Remember user’s last tab” set to false. Just want to check what the expected behaviour is when it comes to nested tabsets. I have a main tabset with a sub tabset in each tab. When I go to MainTab1 and then MainTab1SubTab3, then to MainTab2, then back to MainTab1, because “Remember” is set to false everywhere, I’d expect to get to MainTab1SubTab1, but in fact I get to MainTab1SubTab3. What’s expected behaviour?

Glenn, I think I see where the confusion lies. By “Remember user’s last tab”, we mean that Skuid will store, in a cookie, the last tab a user was on in that particular tabset, so that, and here is the critical point,when the page is reloaded Skuid will start out on that “last” tab. Skuid’s “Remember user’s last tab” functionality does not mess with jQuery UI Tabs’ default navigation functionality within a single client-side page experience — it only picks which tab to start the user on after a page reload. So, let’s map out the differences in navigation as per your example. Assuming that we have “Remember user’s last tab” set to FALSE for all Tabsets, here is what we would expect: FLOW 1: Remember user’s last tab=FALSE Load up your page —> MainTab1SubTab1 is shown Click on: MainTab1SubTab3 —> MainTab1SubTab3 is shown Click on: MainTab2 —> MainTab2SubTab1 is shown RELOAD the page by doing a browser refresh —>MainTab1SubTab1 is shown FLOW 2: Remember user’s last tab=FALSE Load up your page —> MainTab1SubTab1 is shown Click on: MainTab1SubTab3 —> MainTab1SubTab3 is shown Click on: MainTab2 —> MainTab2SubTab1 is shown Click on: MainTab1 —>MainTab1SubTab3 is shown This is the expected behavior. Now, let’s consider these flows when Remember user’s last tab=TRUE: FLOW 1: Remember user’s last tab=TRUE Load up your page —> the user’s last tab and sub tab is shown, let’s assume MainTab1SubTab1 Click on: MainTab1SubTab3 —> MainTab1SubTab3 is shown Click on: MainTab2 —> MainTab2SubTab1 is shown RELOAD the page by doing a browser refresh —>MainTab2SubTab1 is shown FLOW 2: Remember user’s last tab=TRUE Load up your page —> the user’s last tab and sub tab are shown, let’s assume MainTab1SubTab1 Click on: MainTab1SubTab3 —> MainTab1SubTab3 is shown Click on: MainTab2 —> MainTab2SubTab1 is shown Click on: MainTab1 —>MainTab1SubTab3 is shown

Gotcha. That makes sense and matches my experience.