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Doh! You caught us mid-rollout of our new site! Thanks for your attentiveness. That link works now.

Weird. Still doesn’t or am I missing something? Looking for the install links.

Still unable to locate the install links.

Get the Latest Skuid Releases & Everything That Came Before redirects to

Apparently still experiencing a problem with the redirect rules that were put in our new site’s config file. In the mean time, you can access releases at The old url will work again soon!

Thanks!  That direct link works for me.

And now the regular link works again! (If it doesn’t on your first try, you probably need to clear your browser cache. If you open an incognito window and try the link, you’ll see it does take you to the right place.)

Confirmed - thanks for the weekend follow-through.

Release URL not working again  - thankfully the direct URL still does.

Thanks for reporting it, Jared. The redirect has been fixed. I’m sorry that happened again. I am working to ensure it doesn’t happen again!
