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So I am creating a recipe page with recipe steps on which the ingredients are linked
     Recipe Steps

Recipe Steps and Recipe are the same object but possess different record types.
I followed the Skuid tutorial on related list drawers and it looks fine at first but when I open the drawer, there are no ingredients in the table and when I try and create a new row nothing appears even though it says I have to fill things in to save…

Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Segolene -

Displaying grandchildren inside of a drawer inside of a drawer is definitely possible (I’m doing this currently) so no worries there.

It’s difficult to get the entire picture of your situation without more details and unfortunately, while Raymond is right that sharing the XML might provide some insight, it’s difficult to isolate with just the XML (that said, if you can share, it would be helpful).

I completely agree with you that this appears to be a context and/or condition related issue, just a matter of finding out which one and where now 🙂

Couple of thoughts:

1) Make sure that in your RecipeIngredientJunction model, you are including Receipe__c & Receipe__r.RecordType.DevelopmentName fields
2) This one is a long shot but … The name of your condition “Receipe__r.Id” is a little odd and to be honest, I’m not sure what skuid will do with that name.  Try renaming the condition to RecipeId in the model and in your action sequence.  It might be possible that Skuid gets “hung up” when it finds condition names that contains periods, etc.
3) I know you mention this above, but make sure all of the individual components in the drawer (table, field editor, etc.) have their Context Set to "WHERE Receipe__c equals the Id of the row in Context

If none of the above work, if you can post your XML, I’d be happy to take a look.

Keep us posted!