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I’m creating a guided process of saving of a record that uses tabs for each step. Is it possible to redirect to the next tab upon the saving of one? I have created a custom save button with a redirect of #TABID. When I click the button it saves the record and my browser URL does add the #TABID. However, it doesn’t actually change the tab.

If I hit enter in my browser URL window, it does then go to the correct tab.

Any ideas how to make this work from the button?


Are you using the Wizard component?  The buttons and actions can all be declaratively setup.



I am not. That’s not quite what I’m going for, and would prefer the Tabs visual approach, where users can skip around as needed. It’s not really a sequence, though there is value to “Save and Next” button.

Found the right snippet:

skuid.$( “#tabsID” ).tabs( “option”, “active”, 1 );