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hi, There is an issue with Recently accessed Opportunity object in SKUID. We are using a popup wrapper to display recently accessed Opportunites and Accounts. Whenever any Optty is accessed, it appears in 1st position in the list of say 10 objects. However on page reload ,it seats back again at older positions, which may be 5th position. This is not the same case with Account objects. Accounts objects are behaving as expected, it means after page reload the recently accessed object of Accounts retains it’s 1st position. We are using same models and rendering conditions on both lists, please can this be looked into.

What version of Skuid are you running?

To be clear, you’re discussing the order in which the objects are listed in the page builder? Could you provide some pictures of what you are seeing to better haver clarity into the problem you’re seeing? That would be excellent. It would also be helpful to see the XML of this page if it is short enough to copy and paste here.

we are using Skuid’s version 10.0.9 Brooklyn.

here is the xml


<a href = "/apex/skuid__ui?page=ds_Account&account={{{Id}}}" target="popup">{{{Name}}}</a>


<a href = "/apex/skuid__ui?page=ds_OpportunityPage&opptyid={{{Id}}}" target="blank">{{{Name}}}</a>



<div class="ds_avatar_circle"><span class="ds_initials">{{ContactNameInitials}}</span> </div>


It looks like the XML is too long to paste here. Could you post it in some other way?


Is there any update on this ? please can you send response on
