QueryStrings used to trigger page includes are not being properly url encoded in all cases. Spaces are encoded but characters like ampersand (&), percent (%), etc. are not. This leads to unexpected behavior on the “included page” in the parameters that it receives.
The workaround is to use {{#urlEncode}}…{{/urlEncode}} but, at the very least, when using merge syntax on a field value in the querystring passed to the include, the encoding should be handled by Skuid and not require manually applying {{#urlEncode}}…{{/urlEncode}}. Taking this a step farther, regardless of use of merge syntax or not, I think it makes the most sense for Skuid to handle the encoding of the entire querystring. A bare minimum would be anything coming from merge syntax.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create Main page using XML below
- Create Include page using XML below
- Preview Page
- Open developer tools in browser and go to “Network” tab to track calls made
- Click “Open Popup”
Expected Behavior
Account Name should be “default Va&lue”
Actual Behavior
Account Name is “default Va” (because the & was not encoded despite being retrieved using merge syntax)
- Close the popup
- Change the value of “Include Param Value” to “default %”
- Click “Open Popup”
Expected Behavior
Account Name should be “default %”
Actual Behavior
Account Name is “def�lt Value” (because the % was not encoded despite being retrieved using merge syntax)
Sample Main Page XML
<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" useviewportmeta="true" showheader="true"> <models>
<model id="IncludeDriver" query="true" createrowifnonefound="true" datasource="Ui-Only" processonclient="true" unloadwarningifunsavedchanges="false">
<field id="IncludeParamValue" displaytype="TEXT" label="Include Param Value" defaultvaluetype="fieldvalue" defaultValue="default Va&amp;lue"/>
<grid uniqueid="sk-2shrGY-185">
<division behavior="flex" minwidth="100px" ratio="1" verticalalign="top">
<basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="false" showerrorsinline="true" model="IncludeDriver" buttonposition="" uniqueid="sk-2shqYg-174" mode="edit">
<column width="100%">
<section title="Section A" collapsible="no" showheader="false">
<field id="IncludeParamValue" valuehalign="" type="">
<renderconditions logictype="and" onhidedatabehavior="keep"/>
<division behavior="flex" verticalalign="top" minwidth="100px" ratio="1">
<buttonset uniqueid="sk-2sh8R7-85" model="IncludeDriver" position="left">
<button type="multi" label="Open Popup">
<action type="showPopup">
<popup title="New Popup" width="90%">
<includepanel type="skuid" uniqueid="sk-2shQpz-136" pagename="PageIncludeQSParamsNotEncodedInclude" module="" querystring="myparam={{{$Model.IncludeDriver.data.0.IncludeParamValue}}}"/>
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>
Sample Include Page XML
<skuidpage unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="true" useviewportmeta="true" showheader="true"> <models>
<model id="QSTrackerAccountModel" limit="1" query="false" createrowifnonefound="true" datasource="salesforce" type="" sobject="Account" doclone="" unloadwarningifunsavedchanges="false" processonclient="true">
<field id="Name"/>
<condition type="param" value="myparam" field="Name" operator="=" enclosevalueinquotes="true" novaluebehavior=""/>
<basicfieldeditor showheader="true" showsavecancel="false" showerrorsinline="true" model="QSTrackerAccountModel" buttonposition="" uniqueid="sk-2si_b5-221" mode="read">
<column width="100%">
<section title="QSTrackerAccountModel" collapsible="no">
<field id="Name" valuehalign="" type=""/>
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>