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I’d like the ability to allow users to “page” through the results in a table. Currently, we only see the “Load More” which keeps the records loaded in the model given the Max # and then loads another set… Not a great user experience to review 20 records, then load more and have to figure out where the original 20 ends and the newly loaded 20 begin…

The out of the box SFDC feature on List Views is what I’m looking for…

See image below.

If you set the model limit to be 60 records (Look in the basic model properties),  and the table is set to show 20 records at a time, then the page will start with 3 pages enabled.  You can tweak this as much as you want.  Set limit to 600 and table shows 5 records at a time - you’ll have 120 pages. 

We think it will be better than the standard view…
