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I have a skuid page that is replacing our standard Account page. On this page I have a tab set that has some buttons that call additional skuid pages. I have three buttons that call different pages. Two of them work fine but I am getting an error on one. The error is: “Page UI does not exist”. I am able to call this page from the New button on the apps tab page and I have confirmed that the visual force pages are there and security is set correctly.

Here is the syntax I am using to call the page from the custom button:


See attached screen shot of the error.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


My guess would be that your merge syntax is not populating the correct URL parameter. You could past the merge syntax into a template on your page to see what is populating when the page is live.


I tested by stripping out all the merge syntax, see below, and I get the same error:


Page UI does not exist


I got this working.  

I added the skuid__UI and page=pagename.    See below.    If I just added skuid__UI  I would still get the error.


Thanks for all the assistance.
