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Hi ,

First time I notice this on a Page title component (happens often in row actions)

On builder page I have the Save/cancel button as the first button (from the left)

And when in a record, it’s now the last button …

Cannot see any reason it happens,

Any one would know a potential solution?


Potential work around: Responsive grid with Two divisions set to fit to content . Put page title components in each with save cancel in left one and the rest of the buttons in the right one

Dave.  This is a known issue and one we are working to correct with a series of other improvements.  I’m not sure when they will be available though.  Raymond’s workaround is viable (but it smells like a hack.) 

Ok yes I thought of that idea, as i use the same idea, when having multiple button from different models, but was more curious about the underlying issue

Thx both for your answers

this is still an annoying issue
