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I’m getting the above error and I can’t figure out at all what’s going on.

I have a Skuid page called Inner, which has in it just a template with some text in it. Then I have a Skuid page called Outer, which has only a page include component that includes Inner.

If I preview Outer, it renders fine and I see the text coming through from Inner. But what I want is for Outer to appear in a Visualforce page. As soon as I embed Outer in a Visualforce page and view the Visualforce page, I get a console error: “Uncaught TypeError: UserContext.initialize is not a function”.

I’ve tried it in two different orgs. Driving me nuts. Anyone seen it before?

Ignore me. I got to the bottom of this. The org was missing a local cloned version of the “Include” Visualforce page. Face suitably palmed. 

Ooh.  The tragedy.  Thanks for letting us know you got it solved. 

In case someone else runs into this, please find the documentation here: