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We have a number of skuid pages associated with different custom objects. One such object is a Service Type. On the layout there are fields that are linked to other objects, like a State object or county. When you click on the field value, the object opens in a New Tab in the console as it should. We have another object called a Recording, and when we click on the related field, nothing happens. So we tested and from the Service Type, right click and Open in new Window and the State Object opens, just like it should, but when we do the same thing with the recording, the parent object opens again and not the related object. Very bizarre and have looked at each skuid page and they appear to be very similar so not sure what would cause this or where to look.

Have you checked the VF pages used to wrap the skuid pages in the console?  I’m guessing that there are differences there. 

Here is the one for the service:

<apex:page standardController=“Service_Type__c” extensions=“skuid.Redirects”

showHeader="true" sidebar="false" readonly="true" docType="html-5.0" action="{!IF(canUseSkuid,'',redirect)}" title="{!$ObjectType.Service_Type__c.label}: {!Service_Type__c.Name}"> <skuid:page objecttype="Service_Type__c" actiontype="View"/> </apex:page> And here is the one for the recording: <apex:page standardController="DS_Recording__c" extensions="skuid.Redirects" 

showHeader="true" sidebar="false" readonly="true" docType="html-5.0" action="{!IF(canUseSkuid,'',redirect)}" title="{!$ObjectType.DS_Recording__c.label}: {!DS_Recording__c.Name}"> <skuid:page objecttype="DS_Recording__c" actiontype="View"/> </apex:page> Thanks
