Terrible and strange problem.
Why would the data from one model be replacing the data from a distinct model when i attempt a save?
I’ve only been able to reproduce this issue with these two models, but I’ve had users report the ‘disappearing name’ in other circumstances as well.
If it helps, here’s the snippet behind that save button:
'saveAllSnippet': function () {<br> var modelsToSave = l],<br> modelsToExclude = o'AddTests','ProcessLog','ChangeTracker','ShowTabs','UI_Model','DefaultTo','ChartAudit'],<br> dfd = new $.Deferred();<br> $.each(skuid.model.map(), function(){<br> if (this.hasChanged && (modelsToExclude.indexOf(this.id) === -1) && this.preventUnloadIfUnsavedChanges) {<br> modelsToSave.push(this);<br> }<br> });<br> $.when(skuid.model.save(modelsToSave))<br> .done(function(result){<br> console.log('All Models Saved.');<br> dfd.resolve(result);<br> })<br> .fail(function(result){<br> console.log('All Model Save Failed.');<br> dfd.reject(result);<br> });<br> return dfd.promise();<br>},