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I’ve currently been creating a a data collection page with Skuid mobile through Salesforce1 to be used in various location with various connectivity levels. Is there any way to access the application and cache the data (image capture, etc) if the signal were unavailable (aka walking through a “dead spot”). As it exists now, the skuid page would just hang if the signal were to cut out. Does anyone know any options or workarounds for this? Caching…etc?

What version of Skuid are you running?  In our most recent versions, you should be able to go from connection to connection without your page freezing.  

But no - we don’t have a full “offline” solution.  Our sales guys who do lots of work at 30,000ft with spotty internet are clamoring… 

I believe I’m on Skuid version 6.8. Going from connection to connection isn’t the big worry as some of our guys will be wokring out of a “dead spot” where they’ll need to hit the server. For example, they will be uploading pictures to a record from a basement which notoriously does not have signal.) Given you answer though, I’m assuming that Skuid will not work well for these cases?

Offline access is somthing sorely missing in the salesforce world. Its on our dream list…