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I have an aggregate model that takes the number of Events a sales rep creates and averages it - avg per week over a 4-week period.

Everything’s awesome…except for the part where there is now a category labeled “null”, which I’ve figured out is taking the average for the entire team (adding all Events and dividing by 4). In theory, this could maybe be nice for a manager, but A) no one’s going to know that when it’s labeled “null” and 😎 it’s skewing my graph so all the reps’ values look like ants next to an elephant.

This my field/formula:

This is my chart series:

And this is the result:

I’m still learning/playing with aggregate models and charting, so I’m hoping I just forgot something/missed a step.

Check your aggregate model, in the grouping section - look to make sure you are using “Simple” grouping method. If you use ROllup - it will add additional rows to your model that aggregate all values of your grouped records. Will mess up your chart for sure…