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I had previously built some pages in Skuid. I have upgraded to the latest Banzai release. I have decided to build a navigation menu. I followed the Skuid tutorial to create a Navigation header. It is saved as a Master Page. I now need to:

1) Discover the best way to incorporate the navigation menu throughout my app. I did not want all of my app pages to display in Skuid. I simply want to use the navigation to open SFDC pages. 

Q: Is this possible?  If so; can someone help me learn how to accomplish?

2) Secondly, until I can discover how to accomplish Question #1, I tried following the tutorial to take an existing page and use its XML in a Navigation Master Page child page. I was hoping I could do this to take my existing Skuid pages and use them with the navigation. This would be a workaround to what I am trying to accomplish as outlined in Question #1.  However, after following the instructions in the Master Page tutorial article regarding merging the XML into a child page (since there is no other way to accomplish); when I select Preview noting shows but the Master Page Navigation. The page region content doesn’t show.

Q: Can someone look at my child page XML to make sure it is set up properly. There was only one mode in the Navigation Master Page which was User based off of the tutorial.

If so; I can send you the XML for the child page.


Not sure exactly what you mean by question 1… you just want your Skuid header to open SFDC pages that are not squidified, but retain your skuid header? Not sure if that’s possible. Why not just squidify your whole app and get rid of the SFDC layouts entirely?

If you just want your skuid header to be links to SFDC pages with a normal SFDC header, that’s totally possible.

If you post your XML we’ll take a look.

I want a Menu structure that will link to my pages in SFDC. I am looking for a way to do this with objects already built in SFDC and pages pre-built in Skuid. What is the best and easiest way? How?

I have already built the Navigation Menu in Skuid and saved as a Master Page.

Sounds like you want to migrate all of your pre-built skuid pages to child pages of your master/header. Which currently means a lot of copy+paste XML.

This is a possible alternative. This is the second question I had in my original correspondence. I followed the tutorial to merge my existing page XML into a child page that I created from the Navigation Master page but I am unable to see any child page fields. The child page only displays the menu from the master page. It should display my Navigation Menu and the child page models and components.

I followed the Master Page Tutorial instructions below:

Can I send you my child page XML? I’d like to know what I am doing wrong.

----see tutorial description below-------

First, copy the models you want into the section and rename any models that have the same name as any models on your Master Page. Then, in the section, paste in the components from your existing page and remap them to your new model names as necessary. (I learned that one the hard way too).

There will be a node for each of the Page Region components in the Master Page, so you can either paste all the component XML into one, Save, and then drag/drop components around in the App Composer, or go ahead and arrange them in the XML.

sure, my email is

Send both your original page and your new child page.

okay, thanks!


Your components need to be inside the pageregioncontents tag, like so:


The updated XML you sent looks fine (at least on cursory glance).

Are the components visible in the builder?
Are you getting any console errors in runtime?

No, the components are not visible in the builder.
I am not getting any errors in runtime.

Oops… gave you the wrong syntax. Try this:

</components> </pageregioncontent>


Were you ever able to get this to work?

If you have a working stand-alone page that you want to convert to a child page:

  1. Create a new page using the Master Page that you want.

  2. Save that page and click view/edit XML at the bottom of the builder.

  3. Open your working stand-alone page and view/edit XML.

  4. Copy the (with everything in between) from the stand-alone page, and replace in the new child page with it.

  5. If you have any models on your master page, make sure that none of the models of your new child page have the same name. If they do, rename them.

  6. Copy (with everything in between) from the stand-alone page, and replace the which comes after with it.

  7. Save and preview your work.


I just followed the instructions again. Its not working for me. I did this several times the other day and provided my XML.

Tracy can you give Skuid login rights to your org and send an email to with your org iD and the page name of the page you are trying to convert and the initial attempts?   We can see where you’ve gone wrong… 

Here is a tutorial on how to give us login rights:…

Could you work around this with a page include? For example: -Master page name: MasterHeader -Existing stand along page name: ContactDetail -Create a new child page named: ContactDetailWithHeader that is a child of MasterHeader -add a page include to ContactDetail in your new ContactDetailWithHeader Page and pass in any URL Parameters needed. I haven’t tried it but it seems it would work…

I tired the page include solution (in my above comment). This seems to work for my use case, not sure if it will work for all use cases. I created a “junction” page which married my master page and my stand alone page using a page include. I passed in all the URL parameters that were needed for the stand alone page from the junction page. It seems to be working just like a standard master/child page coupling. It was a super easy way to convert stand alone to child, but I haven’t tested extensively.

To anyone who is trying to move an existing page to a child page via the XML copy+paste.

I was trying Matt’s syntax above, with no avail. Then I discovered that I was missing a ‘regionid’ and a ‘uniqueid’ as attributes of the like this:

To obtain it, I went into the page editor, dropped any random component into the new child’s pageregion, returned to the XML editor, and voila - the id’s are now populated.

Just remove the XML of the component you randomly selected, and follow the ‘Special Considerations’ here.

Thanks for passing this along Henry.  Your technique is absolutely correct.   I’ve passed your recommendation on to the documentation team for inclusion in the help document. 

I’d like to put in a vote for making existing pages page includes of master/child pages (as I described in other comments in this post). I have been using it for all master/child pages and it has advantages including being able to use the primary page with or without the Master. Plus for existing pages you don’t have to do any code conversion.

FYI, there’s now a child-normal page converter tool in Skuid Labs.