I have a REST model that is returning fields like this:
"id": 54321, "firstName": "Bob", "lastName": "McTest", "phone": "", "email": "bob.mctest@example.com", "date": "June 17, 2013", "time": "10:15am", "endTime": "11:15am", "dateCreated": "July 2, 2013", "datetime": "2013-07-02T10:15:00-0700", "price": "10.00", "paid": "no", "amountPaid": "0.00", "type": "Regular Visit", "appointmentTypeID": 1, "duration": "60", "calendar": "My Calendar", "calendarID": 27238, "certificate": null, "confirmationPage": "https://acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=11145481&id[]=1220aa9f41091c50c0cc659385cfa1d0&action=appt", "formsText": "...", "notes": "Notes", "timezone": "America/New_York", <b>"forms": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Example Intake Form", "values": [ { "value": "yes", "name": "Is this your first visit?", "fieldID": 1, "id": 21502993 }, { "value": "Ninja", "name": "What is your goal for this appointment?", "fieldID": 2, "id": 21502994 } ] } ]</b> } Is there any way that I can create a model on the 'forms' data, so that I could put it in a drawer on a table of the parent data?