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Apparently this doesn’t work?

I was trying to save myself from creating and conditionally rendering a handful of pagetitle buttons… but it looks the name of snippet field doesn’t process merge syntax?

Seems like it should!

Skuid, can we make this an idea?

Do you have a snippet that is titled every page title? We currently don’t have any merge syntax there because we wanted it to only be used as a selection tool. We even toyed with only having it as a picklist but then thought some would have more.

Can you elaborate on this: “I was trying to save myself from creating and conditionally rendering a handful of pagetitle buttons…”?

This page is a kind of record detail page, wherein I have a field called Interaction Purpose which is a picklist and serves kind of as a record type. I also have a ui-only formula field called NoteToGenerate which basically takes the spaces out of the Interaction Purpose field. In a static resource, I have a snippet for each Interaction Purpose which generates a standard Note for that type of interaction, based on a bunch of other values in the record.

If I could dynamically supply the name of the snippet to the button based on the NoteToGenerate field, I would only need one button to trigger whichever snippet was relevant. As it is, I need a different conditionally rendered button for each Interaction Purpose.