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I have created some pages in skuid that serve as layers between a homepage and record detail pages on custom objects. To test these pages before deployment I have simply been using an href link to the address that appears on the preview page in the sandbox.

The question is… just like how you would navigate to a record detail page (), can you similarly navigate to a page without a Record Id?

This way I can be sure that it works the same way in sandbox as development.

I believe that if, while editing a page, if you click preview it will open the page in a new window and that URL is the URL of the page that you can use to access it directly without relying on button overrides.


the redirect url should be something like this:

And you can append any url params (for a record detail page, for example) with:

If you have multiple pages with the same name (but in different modules), you’ll need to include:

Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.