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Not really sure if this is a bug or something that I’m doing wrong

But here’s my issue

I have table with 2 different Row Actions. #1 named “view Detail” and #2 named “Actions”

#1 open a popup with a PageInclude

#2 opens a popup with fields from same model As Table

Opening each action individually works fine.

If I open them in this order , the issue happens

Open #2 (result is as expected)

Open #1 (result is as expected)

Open #2 again (seems like popup is no longer associated to row action was made from)

I tried to add a query model before the popup action, but only made it worse

Any ideas?

Thank you

Does the model from the page include have the same name as the model on your original page?


You got it right on, same model names was issue, probably forgot to change it when i cloned the page

thank you very much for that info!
