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I have a tabbed skuid page and one of the tab is a combination of skuid + visual force page. So I have used PanelSet for this and included the visualforce page in one half using template and iframe. Is there any better way to achieve this? 

There is not another way of achieving this.  We used to allow you to use the page include method for VF pages,  but if your VF page did any data operations at all these completely collided with the skuid operations and all sorts of silliness emerged. We deprecated the method. 

Now the page include just gives the option to include skuid pages/assignments. So basically there isnt any other way other than iframe. Right?

As stated above,  we deprecated that method…  iFrame / Template is the best solution.  Would recomend that you set your template to not be bound to any Model and use global merge syntax for including data in your iframe code. 

if clickjack protection is enabled in salesforce, pages don’t load because of the use of iframe. What is the alternative recommendation from skuid?

Hi Manuj, unfortunately Skuid does not have control of this behavior, since it depends on Salesforce security settings, and browser behavior in some cases.

But there are options to consider. If you’re building this for Classic Salesforce, you could set up your Visualforce page so it shows a Skuid page alongside the Visualforce content, instead of putting the VF page inside Skuid. Or, if you’re in Lightning, you could similarly, set up both the Skuid page and the Visualforce page as separate components inside a Lightning App Builder page.