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I stopped in an apple store to try out the new Ipad pro.  Everthynig worked well except for one of the main features, the stylus.  The stylus worked on all other pages.

Why does the stylus not work?

Any thoughts?

Hey Bill,

Send Rob an iPad PRO for Christmas. I am sure he’ll be happy to help you test stylus compatibility.

@ Rob, you game if Bill sends you a gift?

Rob,  what was your experience?

I’m absolutely game. Bring it on Bill!  Let me know if you need the shipping address for Amazon to deliver the new toys for christmas. 

My experience shows you would not want the new Ipad Pro.  Skuid looks great but the stylus does not work with Skuid.  It may be a good idea to let customers know so they do not promote the Ipad Pro to their customers.   

Bill, you wiggled out of that one 🙂  Seriously, the iPad PRO is not compelling to me. 

Hi Bill and Irvin. I’d have to look into what kind of events the stylus is sending to the browser. Bill, do you remember if this was happening in both Skuid Mobile and Skuid Desktop?

Irvin, have you seen it?  It think it will be compelling to Apple lemmings.  I only looked at the Skuid desk top as it is big enough that the Skuid desktop app looks fantastic.  

Not yet, but I will go check it out soon.  I already have a MacBook Pro and iPad, so not really compelled to buy another tablet.  
