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On Application object i have two lookup field


Product(CL__Product__c) is parent to Account object. on account object having product(Product__c) lookup.

when i update account field, i want to display the Product(genesis__CL-Product__c)  from  on Account  Product(Product__c) field.

here i am writing my query string is like below

Product(genesis__CL_product__c) ==  {{$}}
Can any one help to get my product for above string.

1)Product(CL__Product__c) is parent to Account object. on account object having product(Product__c) lookup.

you want to say that product is master of account and again account is parent to product.Can you clarify this point?

2)when i update account field, i want to display the Product(genesis__CL-Product__c)  from  on Account  Product(Product__c) field.

It means that when you are going to update account field with product__c field on same time you have to update Product(genesis__CL-Product__c).Can you clarify those points.

Hi Vicky,

Sorry for confusion,

Actually, custom object 1 have reference with Account, Account have another reference field have product and product have another reference field with custom object 2. here 2 scenarios

if  Account have product reference field not empty,

1. Custom object 1 have skuid page - in Model 1 have Account look up, once select Account record automatically auto populated custom Object 1 Product field from Account record product field value.

eg: Custom object 1.product = Account.product  

2. Custom object 1 have some other fields auto populated from custom object 2 related fields value means eg: custom object 1.field 1 = Account –> Product –> custom object 2 –> custom object 2 field value1.

like that will auto populated values from some related 2 objects to skuid page while creating custom object 1

Thank you for help
