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Is it possible to hide the SF header when using a Skuid page as a home page component? 

Looking at this tutorial, I think I know my answer: “Skuid can be used to (almost completely) take over your  Salesforce Home Page”. 

Sometimes something funky happens and a user is still directed to the default salesforce home page. We have a pseudo-404 message with a redirect link to our app’s default page (which keeps them inside of the branded, non-salesforce theme). This works fine, but would love it if there was a CSS hack or something to hide the salesforce look. Any ideas?

I should also point out that I just saw Zach’s post here: about adding the following:

<script>(function(){var newOnload = function(){var title = document.getElementsByClassName('bPageTitle'); if (title) {titlel0].style.display = 'none';}};var oldOnload = window.onload;window.onload = function(){oldOnload &amp;&amp; oldOnload();newOnload();};})();</script>

But my homepage component is a VF page that uses the skuid:page tag and I use page assignments to route to it. I tried adding that script in my VF page but didn’t have any success. Would I need to switch to an HTML area and an iFrame? That post was 2 years old so I assume the standard procedure may have changed.

If you are just trying to implement a “fail-safe” for when users get redirected to the standard home page, I’d have your VF page homepage component include some JavaScript to immediately redirect the user to your desired home page, e.g.

parent.location = ‘/apex/skuid__UI?page=MyHomePage’;

Or something like that.

I love it. Works exactly as intended. 

Skuid: Come for a bandaid, leave with a new set of eyes.
