I can’t seem to get it to work, since I keep getting these errors with any setup using the Search component. Working on AWS’s RDS if that’s relevant, with a repro page below giving a better step by step of what I’m seeing. I tried on a simple table with two fields (id, name), and both are marked as filterable after the initial import into Skuid.
<skuid__page unsavedchangeswarning="yes" personalizationmode="server" showsidebar="false" showheader="false">
<skuid__text contents="Repro Steps:<br /> (Setup)<br /> - Have a postgres table with two columns<br /> 1. name: id<br /> type: uuid<br /> default:&nbsp;gen_random_uuid()<br /> 2. name: name<br /> type: character varying<br /> - Have datasource imported to Skuid with id marked as id Field, name marked as name, and both filtertable<br /> - Select that entity in the search component below for the Return Object<br /> (Steps start here)<br /> 1. Preview the page<br /> 2. In the search, type in 6-7 characters<br /> 3. Delete a few characters<br /> <strong>Expected result</strong>: Search results show based on characters<br /> <strong>Actual result</strong>:&nbsp;There was an error performing the query on Model search__AWS_RDS_Skills__quickTest_public--2e304de8-7395-4dc0-b151-47e9b4c4984e: Invalid Condition Logic<br /> 4. In the builder, add id to the fields for the Return Object in the search<br /> 5. Save &amp; Preview<br /> 6. Type 6-7 characters in the search<br /> <strong>Expected result</strong>: Search results show based on characters<br /> <strong>Actual result</strong>:&nbsp;1. There was an error performing the query on Model search__AWS_RDS_Skills__quickTest_public--cf410a7d-9f4f-49b3-8c73-0c4fda99201a: Invalid Condition Logic<br /> 2. There was an error making a request against the database: function lower(uuid) does not exist<br /> 3. There was an error making a request against the database: operator does not exist: uuid ~~* unknown" uniqueid="sk-2sjL-20121"/>
<skuid__search uniqueid="sk-2sj6-18024" tokenizeSearch="false">
<object datasource="AWS_RDS_Skills" id="quickTest_public" fields="id">
<action label="cheese toastie" icon="sk-webicon-ink:toast">
<action type="showToast" duration="4" position="bl" message="id {{id}} name {{name}}"/>
<field id="name"/>
<field id="id"/>
<styleitem type="background" bgtype="none"/>