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Any idea what might be going wrong when I get this message?

Fatal error: Could not find a match for URL /skuid/api/v1/pages

Here’s some more context:

Running “skuid-pull:production” (skuid-pull) task
Fatal error: Could not find a match for URL /skuid/api/v1/pages

You must have Skuid Banzai Update 7 installed into the org you’re trying to pull pages from, and the user whose credentials you’re using must have either a Profile or Permission Set which grants them access to the “RestServices_Page” Apex Class, or they will not be able to use this API.

hahaha… right. Thanks!


on command "grunt skuid-pull:dev"I get “Fatal error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=Parse Error” What does this means proxy?
If so, I have the proxy set as below

npm config set proxy <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Link http//1270013128">http:&#47;&#47;127&#46;0&#46;0&#46;1:3128<br /></a>npm config set https-proxy <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Link http//1270013128">http:&#47;&#47;127&#46;0&#46;0&#46;1:3128</a>

Here’s My Gruntfile.js

module&#46;exports = function(grunt){ /* * Enter the OAuth client and user-specific credentials needed to connect to Salesforce&#46; * Alternatively, store this information in environment variables, e&#46;g&#46; * 'clientId': process&#46;env&#46;SKUID_GRUNT_CLIENT_ID */ var orgOptions = { 'clientId': '3MVG9Nc1qcZ7BbZ142QpXXXXX&#46;&#46;&#46;&#46;', 'clientSecret': '8667510733086xxx&#46;&#46;&#46;', 'username': 'my username', 'password': 'my password+my security token' }; grunt&#46;initConfig({ 'skuid-pull':{ 'options': orgOptions, 'dev':{ options:{ 'dest': 'skuidpages/', 'module':o'Module1'], &#47;&#47;can be array or comma separated values } } }, 'skuid-push':{ 'options': orgOptions, 'dev':{ 'files':{ src: {'skuidpages/Module1*'] } } } }); &#47;&#47;task that will pull your Skuid pages for Module1 from a developer org and push them &#47;&#47;right into a production org grunt&#46;registerTask('to-production', t'skuid-pull:dev', 'skuid-push:production']); grunt&#46;loadNpmTasks('skuid-grunt'); }<br />

Please help

