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Great demo at dreamforce. Very nice examples, can the pages for the demo, for example the World Bank REST sample app be posted to your repository or github?

^^ BUMP ^^ Pretty please.

Thanks for your interest, guys! We just posted the pretty Country Analysis page with the World Bank info that we used in our Dreamforce demos to our github repo.

IMPORTANT You need to set up 2 model services before you can use this page.

  1. CountryNameCodes REST model service with the URL (no code or key required)

  2. Quandl REST model service with the URL (you have to go to create a free account with quandl at to get an authentication token that you plug into the all the Quandl model endpoints wherever you see {{AuthToken}}.

Let me know if you run into any problems with getting this page to work!

The URL above for Quandl should be - missing an i