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I have a field I’m trying to add to a table using the formula ({{sumYTDWonDealsc}} / {{$}}) *100

It’s taking an Aggregate from the model the formula field is in and reaching out to another model for the countID field, which is the total number of Deals for the YTD Won Deals to divide against to produce a percentage. The page itself is large and I have a few other fields doing this on other tabs, however this particular one causes the entirety of the salesforce page to go blank and the developer console to state there is an error with the metadata, that something isn’t being properly related to.

Its time for formula deconstruction. 

I’d start with just ONE field in the formula definition.   Then add the division on the second field.   Then add the final multplication.  See where it breaks…  Fix and move on! 

I’m also not sure - but suspect that spaces in the formula and carriage returns after the formula might cause problems. 

Hi Lou,
Please change “sumYTDWonDealsc” to “sumYTDWonDeals__c” and try again.