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File Upload model “In Content Document” seems to work well as I can see the new files upload when I switch to standard SF oppty page but when I come back to skuid oppty page new files we uploaded today are not showing on Content Document table.
I can see file uploads we did yesterday or the days before but not the ones from today.
Any idea ?
Thank you

Hi Cyril, Off the top of my head, do you have any model conditions that would prevent today showing? Are you able to post your page? Thanks.

Thank you Matthew for your quick reply.

By doing more testing today, it seems to show on Content Table from Skuid Oppty page only the first file I have attached to the oppty. When I try to upload a second file to the same oppty it will not show the new upload on table. But when I look at the same oppty using standard SF oppty page I can see the first and the second file upload were both successful.

Below is the xml showing the relationship I have tried to build between opportunity object, Content document link and Content Document.

Thank you.


xml example:



Account Name

Opportunity Name

Owner Name



Take a look at this sample page. The page showcases file upload functionality on a Contact. I hope it gets you there. Please let us know either way.


&lt;p style=“text-align: center;”&gt;&lt;span style=“font-size:18px;”&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Click to Browse or Drag File to Upload&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



Content Document Reference


&lt;a target=“_blank” href=“/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/{{{ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersionId}}}”&gt;{{{ContentDocument.Title}}}&lt;/a&gt;




Matthew ,

This seems to work like a charm now.

I was missing the second condition on Contentdocumentlink model “ContentDocumentLink records where ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersion.IsLatest”.

I was also missing “is in the set of values” instead of “equals” by mistake on the “Content Document” model condition.

Other than that I was pretty closed 🙂

Thank you again for the fast support.


Great news for my Tuesday. 
