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in my application page, employer model is associated to contact. when i go for existing contact, its taking some time(7 seconds) to render the contact and associated employer details. how to reduce the time to render the fields

Hi, Raj,
In general, here are a few suggestions:
1. Make sure you are only including fields on your model that you actually need for the page
2. Don’t pull in too many records in one model (It sounds like this may not be an issue for you since you may just have a single Contact record and a single Employer record)
3. Consider using Page Includes for different sections of the page. This could work if you have, say, one tab with Contact details and one tab with Employer details. You could include Employer details in a Page Include that you include within the tab, check the “Lazy Load” checkbox on the Page Include properties, and check the “Load Lazy Page Include components…” checkbox under Tab Properties > Advanced.

I would also check out our Page Performance Guide for tips on locating the cause of slow-loading pages.