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I’m not able to get feedback to show in a SF Community. It shows just fine internally (feedback is activated), but not displaying to community users.

I’ve got object access (on Feedback and Feedback Responses) for the community profile set to View All and Edit, and OWD External Access for both objects is set to Public Read/Write. 

Is there some other permission I am missing?

Hi Conlan, thank your for pointing that out. I’m running some tests and will keep you posted. What exactly do you mean by “It shows just fine internally”? Do you mean that if you preview the Skuid page directly, the feedback button is visible?

Hi Luzie, Yes, exactly. When viewing the page using an internal license/profile, the feedback button is displayed. When logging into a community setting, the feedback button is not displaying at all. Thank you, Conlan

Hi Conlan, I could reproduce the issue and I’m afraid that I don’t know of a a solution or workaround, yet. As soon as I know more, I will let you know.

Thanks Luzie

Any update on this? Is Feedback really just not available in a Salesforce Community?

This is a bug, which is being addressed in our next round of maintenance patches.
