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Thanks for the new data connections.  Since so many companies have data sitting in excel.  Has anyone created an external connection to excel? I have many excel databases that each have over 1 million records that I do not want to store in Salesforce.  I would rather have them in a free account on amazon.  Does anyone have a solution for this?

Sooo.  You have to get your data on a server somewhere before you can access it through the cloud.  We’re never going to be able to integrate with data on your hard drive.  But once you have excel in Sharepoint, or in Excel 365 etc.  There are a number of REST APIs available for the integration.  YMMV because we can’t integrate with just any data source,  but theoretically it is possible. 

What is YMMV?  It is in excel 365. So, how is this done?

Bill - re YMMV:

I had to look it up myself. Rob is so street.
