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Dynamic HTTP Header / Merge Fields

  • 3 September 2024
  • 0 replies


I have a REST model that is integrating with a 3rd party system (Snowflake) that requires I generate a JWT token and include it in the HTTP headers. 

I have an Apex class in Salesforce that is correctly generating this token (I can confirm this using Postman), but I can’t seem to get it added into the Common HTTP Request data section. I’ve tried using the {{$Apex.ClassName}} merge variable and having the class implement the skuid.Utils.MergeValueProvider interface but that doesn’t seem to work? 

I also see there is a Custom Apex Authentication option in the Auth providers, but I don’t see any documentation anywhere on how I can leverage that and I’m getting Apex errors when trying to implement the recommended ModelDataSourceAuthProvider interface. 

Is there a better way I should be dynamically inserting this header value from Apex? 

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