I have a custom object ‘Site__c’ with locations I want to retrieve all the products in other Site__c’s where they are less than 1 km of the Site.
So I have made this conditions
1: I dont want the products of $this.Site__c
2: the site parent of the products is in 1 km
3: only firm quotes.
this is the detail of the Distance filter.
SiteInformation model is the Master/main model in the page. the page shows the information of a Site.
But when I try this, in a site in Germany the ‘in less than 1 km firm quotes’ pops sites from peru, ecuador, brazil…
After playing with the model definition and discarding that as a problem, playing with the console I have discover that the distance condition is not in the SOQL of the model…:
"SELECT Stage\_\_c,Product\_Name\_\_c,OSI\_ID\_\_c,Base\_Currency\_\_c,Total\_Install\_Charges\_BC\_\_c,Total\_Monthly\_Charges\_BC\_\_c,Site\_\_c,Site\_\_r.Name,isOrder\_\_c,Site\_\_r.GpsCoords\_\_c,Site\_\_r.GpsCoords\_\_Latitude\_\_s,Site\_\_r.GpsCoords\_\_Longitude\_\_s,Id FROM Opportunity\_Sales\_Item\_\_c WHERE (Site\_\_c != 'a0Fb000000Eq6J3EAJ')AND(Stage\_\_c = 'Available and firm quote') LIMIT 11"
So my question is… Why?