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I am having trouble figuring out how to change the axis labels on charts. I found another topic that used a snippet for a table, but was not able to make it work.

I’ve gotten my model grouped by “CALENDAR_MONTH” and my category axis using the same model field. So my chart looks great, except it’s got 1, 2, 3, etc when I want it to display the actual month name.

Thank you for your help.

I think you will need a before render snippet that translates the values provided by the aggregate model into actual month names. 

You could build off this one:  except that you’d be replacing the chart lable instead of reordering… 

Finally found the answer: var chartObj = arguments[0], $ = skuid.$; $.extend(true, chartObj.xAxis[0],{ labels: { formatter: function(){ if(this.value == 1) return “January”; else if(this.value == 2) return “February”; else if(this.value == 3) return “March”; else if(this.value == 4) return “April”; else if(this.value == 5) return “May”; else if(this.value == 6) return “June”; else if(this.value == 7) return “July”; else if(this.value == 😎 return “August”; else if(this.value == 9) return “September”; else if(this.value == 10) return “October”; else if(this.value == 11) return “November”; else if(this.value == 12) return “December”; else return this.value; } } });