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I’m looking for a way to way to display values for each data point in my charts (and ideally only show values for certain series), is this possible in Skuid?

Set the series to split on template and use this post for values. Likely want {{$Chart.point.x}}

Thanks, I’m trying to apply your suggestion now, can’t seem to get it to work, using {{$Chart.point.x}} or {{$Chart.point.series.Amount.x}} to try to adapt my existing configuration or any of the other values only appears to rename the legend but I’ll keep experimenting and come back to you if I can get it to work or come across any meaningful errors.

Although I’ve just reread J’s comments and I see that he says that you’d need to click a point on the chart in order to display the reference, I want to display values for every point on my chart, without the user needing to click the point first…
